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ABSC Organics specializes in providing high-quality CBD oil products specifically formulated for pets. Their products stand out because they are rigorously tested and have undergone multiple clinical trials at Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. This extensive research makes their CBD oil one of the most tested and trusted options for pets with conditions like epilepsy, arthritis, and anxiety. The company takes pride in its commitment to research and safety, offering organically grown CBD oil that is carefully extracted from Colorado hybrid hemp. They prioritize transparency and efficacy, ensuring that their products are free from pesticides and contaminants while delivering consistent results.
Their CBD oil for pets has been shown to reduce seizure frequency by up to 89% in dogs and help manage other health issues like pain and inflammation. The company is dedicated to advancing scientific research in this field and has continued to fund studies to ensure that their CBD oil is both safe and effective for pets (CBD Oil for Pets | ABSC Organics) (NEXT Fractional). Visit their website at abscorganics.com to explore their range of pet CBD oils and find out how they can help improve the quality of life for your furry friend.
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